It's only been a few days since I emailed last because of 설날 the chinese new year, but we've seen so many miracles!!
Yesterday we met with an investigator who is a student and were able to just talk about Christ and how much He loved her. The spirit was so strong. At the end of the lesson she said the most heartfelt prayer I have heard her pray!
On Thursday (Chinese New Year) it was P-day and we were invited to our recent convert, 조은정's house and we made homemade 만두 (i think in english it's dumplings)! It was really fun!! I love them!!
On Friday we started with no appointments because of the holiday, but then randomly we had 3 different members call us and ask us to visit! It was pretty cool!
On Saturday we went to a young women's activity with one of our investigators and one of the girls in our ward who is pretty shy gave a spiritual thought and we didn't think much of it, but then later that night we felt like we should visit her family. They have 4 kids and one is 3 years old. We got there and tried to share a message, but things were crazy and friends were over...etc, but we talked with the mom about how her daughter gave the spiritual thought that day and did a good job...after that when we wanted to share the scripture and message we prepared but the 3-year-old burst out crying...he didn't stop we only shared a little bit of what we wanted to. We left a little disappointed that we couldn't have talked more. But the next day at church in Relief Society the lesson was about prayer and receiving answers...etc. The sister (mom) that we visited last night talked about how for years she was concerned about her daughter because she didn't like church and never smiled or participated while at church. She prayed for years for her daughter and then last night "two people" came and told her about how her daughter shared a spiritual thought and she knew God answered her prayers.
Our visit wasn't a waste of time and we felt like we needed to go to that sister's house for a reason--God used us to answer her prayers!
Being a missionary is the coolest! This is really His work!
We finished with a dinner appointment last night and then had no appointments, so we had the thought to visit a family in our ward whose mother is less-active. We went and only the father and 21-year-old daughter were there, but we had such an amazing visit where they bore their testimonies about the power of prayer and were able to assure the concerned husband and father that His prayers were being answered. The spirit was so strong. God is real and really hears our prayers! :)
I know that this is the Lord's work and I just feel so blessed. I can't explain in words the feelings of joy and gratitude I have to the Lord for the countless miracles I've seen, people I've met, and joy I've felt on my mission. This time is so sacred and important. It's a blessing from the Lord and I don't want to waste a moment of the time I have left.
Have and amazing week! Love you all!!
낫제스 자매 ^^
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