Monday, March 9, 2015

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

It's my last week and it doesn't feel real in the least. I'm nervous and sad to leave, but God is definitely helping me!

This week we saw lots of miracles, as usual. I am just so blessed. Every moment in this work is precious and special. 

This week we got 2 new investigators and they are really great! 

We met with one of our investigators that we hadn't met in a long time which was a miracle! 

Yesterday was my farewell talk in my ward here and although I told myself I wouldn't cry, I cried in the first couple sentences and cried throughout the whole thing! I've served in this ward for 8 months now and all the members feel like my family. I'm not ready to say goodbye. 

A quote Mom sent to me last week that I really liked is, 

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
-Winnie the Pooh  

Recently I've started to reflect more and more on my mission and realized again how blessed I am to have had this experience. Every moment--even and maybe especially the hard ones are precious memories where I learned and grew closer and closer to my Savior. Some things I have really learned though my missionary service are:
  •  Jesus Christ is my Savior. I have so many weaknesses and inadequacies, but I am not alone and I can be made strong through Him.
  • God truly loves His children, especially these people in Korea. Before my mission I knew so little about Korea, but now it's so special to me. I love these people and feel so much love for them. I am so grateful to have been called to serve in this blessed land. 
  • This is the Lord's work. I have seen too many miracles to be able to deny it. When we open our mouths and preach of Him and His gospel, He is always with us. 
  • This church is true. I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm so grateful for the blessings that come through this restored gospel, including the Book of Mormon, the priesthood, temples, eternal families, ordinances, living prophets...I know it's all true and I can feel of its truthfulness each time I open my mouth and share.  
  • The power of prayer is real. God hears and answers our prayers!
  • And so much more. God is so good! He lives! I know it with all of my heart and will always be His faithful servant. 
I love you all! See you soon!!

낫제스 자매 선교사 
Sister Naatjes^^

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